You might notice that I did not say that yoga has caused my relationship with Christ to grow… I know myself. I know that even without yoga my relationship with Christ would continue to grow. That’s because He is my life. My love for Christ is way beyond a “practice.” I know for a milllion facts that Christ alone is my joy, my strength, my hope, my love, my security, my SAVIOR. I do not need yoga to steady me in those truths. Christ is in my heart. Christ is the One who steadies me.
BUT, I also know, without a doubt, that God has used New Day Yoga and the writing and teaching of the curriculum of yoga from a Christian perspective to keep me focused, balanced, humble, learning, teachable, strong, steadfast, certain, joyful, and growing in the Lord. Because I practice the yoga that I teach, I have seen firsthand the huge benefits of living a lifestyle that seeks to bring balance and tranquility to my being of body and mind. For this reason, I want to pass on to others these tools that God has placed so purposefully into my heart and consciousness. I see the people around me who love God, who want to please Him, who want to live a life of purpose and strength and confidence and joy, and I see how they fall short and struggle. Yoga teaches us how to find the joy, how to find the contentment, how to find the strength that is only found in Christ. Yoga is the tangible tool that you can pick up every day to help you do God’s work of love and faith.
Did I realize all this in 1998 when I went to my very first yoga class in a small local gym in Cartersville, GA? No! But I realize it now! Now I understand why I heard a voice in my mind, the very first time I did Revolved Side Angle in that very first class, that said, “I can teach this, and I can teach it from a Christian perspective.” God planted that idea in my mind and heart. As I attempted to hold my balance and steady myself in that pose, I felt the tremendous power of my own intention. I felt the absolute necessity to focus on what I was doing. I had no choice but to concentrate! In that moment I sensed God, His design, His pleasure, His smile. It was awesome! And then, after class, as I floated out of the gym and into the parking lot, I recognized that I had never felt so relaxed in all my life. It was so sweet to my soul, and to my body and mind!
So fast forward 22 years to 2020… Here’s what I am thankful for today: Practicing and studying yoga has revealed to me my own potential. It has taught me about God’s design for my body and mind so that I can use these two gifts to be the person God created me to be. It has helped me to understand what I do and why. It has taught me how to wait before I make a decision. It has taught me how to temper my emotional energy by monitoring my thoughts. In essence it has taught me how NOT TO BE conformed to this world and how TO BE transformed by the renewing of my mind, so that I may “prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
I hope you join me in this life of hope and strength and purpose! It is possible, even in this stressed out world where we make our home. God can make it happen, and sometimes He even uses yoga to help us along the way.